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Gresham's Law
& the Internet



  • An Internet Whore is someone who is continually self-seeking on the Internet.  These people feel that everyone in the world MUST have their opinion on every single topic all the time, no matter if that opinion is not wanted, no matter if their discourse is off topic, uninformed, non-sensensical, unsourced, and no matter if (as is so often the case) they have nothing to say. 


  • An Internet Troll is someone who visits web sites solely to stir up argument and controversy.  These people have small and meaningless lives.  Do not feed trolls!


  • An Internet Parasite is someone who visits other sites predominantly to drive other people to their web site or blog. These people may be Internet Whores or Internet Trolls, or both.


  • Anonymous Cowards are people who will not sign their real name to what they say, will not leave an email address, and will not otherwise identify themselves online.  Most are trolls, some are whores, a few are parasites. 


  • Gresham's Law of the Internet states that whores, trolls, cowards and parasites will tend to build up and eventually dominate a list-serv, bulletin board, or blog unless they are pruned off.  The reason for this is simple:  morons, whores, cowards, and trolls tend to be underemployed in the real world, while thoughtful people who make rational arguments and get their facts straight tend to get more responsibilities than they can easily handle.  As  morons, whores, cowards, and trolls dominate a forum, smarter people simply leave as the "sound-to-noise" ratio gets to be overwhelming.  The original Gresham's Law simply said that "Bad money drives out good."  On the internet, the rule is a bit different:  "Bad thinking and acting drives out clear thinking and civility."


  • The "King Baby" is someone who acts in outrageous and inappropriate ways on the Internet and then, when his or demands are rejected, decides to fall into the “professional-victim” role.   These are people who lack intellectual and emotional self-sufficiency. Told to "go write your own," they know they cannot and/or that the world will not beat a path to their door.  So what do they do?  They go "waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh."