Terriermen & Terriers is by John Broadhurst, formerly the terrierman for the Goshen Foxhounds and the Crowley and Horsham Foxhounds and Kennel-Huntsman at the Royal Rock Beagles. John now lives in North Carolina. Over 300-pages long, this large-format book is packed with rare pictures and contains personal narratives from, and profiles of, 53 terriermen and one terrierwoman, 51 of whom are from the U.K. Ordering information can be found below the cover picture. An excellent read and great pictures showing the breadth and variety of opinion about working terriers. ISBN 0-0687296-1-4 Profiles include: Maurice Bell, Cyril Breay,
Bob Clough, Bert Gripton, Eddie Chapman, Greg Mousely,
Ken James, To
order a copy: Price: $75 (US) + shipping